D. J. Huppatz

21st century poetry
(for mf & nt)

21st century poetry is trendy feeling:
where is author? where is reader?
everybody knows them
but nobody knows them.
please don't weep for them
now just coming together
to make poetry natural,
a basic of our living life.
won't it be good?
21st century poetry is
new ideas proposal to new generations.
just choose your very own
life-imagining poem before the others,
they are longing to meet him.

favourite tasting poem

This is the best natural selection of words
in chemical-free imaginary. Low-fat
for your creative life!
Mixing words, listening to them
and having a good intercourse with nature.
A good friend of human being,
all of the contents are hand-made
with no additional flavours.
A happy present from the earth,
he will not rot!
With all our heart
let's nourish every inch of him
for a healthy living-style.
We all favourite tasting poem!

An idea that corrodes a bounding in

I can feel the heat closing in. Freedoms are fleeing. The apple hid in the grass and,
when he passed, jumped over his foot & rolled away down the track & back into the
grass. The solidity of coloured lights fills the screen.

Along the borderline runs a thick seam of hair. All so seem unsaid. Also seam unseed.
One burrows. You haven't had your information yet. Fluidity of being: a series of
fibres, in most cases arranged according to pack designs.

Those are not mountains that you see. The hairless midget lord takes a call from the
donkey-men. They meet in secret. Why don't we put our favourite flags in the
omelette? A technology is for hiding behind.

a bridge

a bridge is quate,
flude shing like wildow drop.
a misking, amber maybe,
a texan shippingly,
a blind i like at times
spake mexican presently dardy figg belong pijiou giggles
blinking fact of bard
& indrop plaza
of little misses.
secrete dy remains
a bigging to

conquistadores? meiyou.

aurora australis

sun dusted particles rosy.
in a patch. do not adjust. foggy
accompaniment for a field composition -
compose one before it fades away...
which dumb gods
sprayed the sky?

left us ... reconstructing
the exp. (as a photograph?) escapes
in streaks of white light
an overload
of excess electrons & protons,
excited molecules
spreading rouge pixels &
one by one subtracting.

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