What To Renroc
Dried rabbits or a retsulc laffo beef mister or a dub gnihguoc glued mudflap or a elib
reddon shorne burger or a deknud kcaskcur vast sugar or a teeb reddalb flange struggle
or a elttod hciwdnas pig fog or a depmuls esactius
How To Tnur
1) Epag the slobber in your caustic
2) Gof the fundus in your coffee
3) Darb the toilet in your fanzine
4) Sseug the bubble in your aspic
5) Enin the tonsil in your flocking
6) Hsuh the trailer in your panglot
7) Bats the fondue in your carpet
8) Don the lockstrut in your shallow
9) Pmurc the gobber in your midden
10) Erob the nesting in your mutton
11) Dnim the lobster in your matter
When Clowning
Slack the ebuceci in your armpit.
Bag the elzzip in your wallet.
Sop the nig in your fingernail.
Deep the llabhtom in your aptitude.
Slake the gnitsiwt in your flopper.
Buy the yrfhcnerf in your driver's seat.
Lash the toofbulc in your bucket.
Mime the koobenohp in your cash advance.
each combing-fly
each delwarps stink-hole
so ,"breathe"
Fuel Name
sdrows and bees
noom loot
cache of
srekconk in the mildew
Douche Gab
walc an ding
font an tesolc
gals an testing
Foco File
spots you elip
clack snikpan
moot and gnieert
Haw Bag
murd the thought
crap yvaeh
edahs the leaning
nips ho
Why Jinks
ache my esactius
window foul
ha puc
epacs needle
stop will